R.~E.~Greenwood A.~M.~Gleason and L.~M. Kelly.
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The Mathematical Association of America, Reissued 2003.
Martin Aigner and Gunter~M. Ziegler.
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Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 2001.
Wikipedia contributors.
Cantor-bernstein-schroeder theorem.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Christian \protect{G}oldbach.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Erdos number.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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The four color theorem.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Leonard F.~Klosinski Gerald L.~Alexanderson and Loren~C. Larson.
\emph{The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competitions Problems & Solutions: 1965 - 1984}.
The Mathematical Association of America, Reissued 2003.
Richard~K. Guy.
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Bjorn~Poonen Kiran S.~Kedlaya and Ravi Vakil.
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The Mathematical Association of America, 2002.
C.~W.~H. Lam.
The search for a finite projective plane of order 10.
Saunders MacLane.
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Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 1998.
John~J. O'Connor and Edmund~F. Robertson.
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Stanislaw Radziszowski.
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Gian-Carlo Rota.
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D.~J. Struik.
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Alfred~North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell.
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